Solving the challenges of Conventional Growth Factors and Cytokines
Regenerative medicine and cell therapy will continue to grow rapidly. PeptiGrowth has developed the world's first growth factor-substituting peptide, which has the same functions as growth factors and cytokines required for research and development. “Alternative Peptides to Growth Factors" has solved issues such as bio-derived impurities and quality variation problems between production lots, and we recommend using our product to fulfill your needs.
Now on Sale
- PG-001HGF Alternative Peptide (c-Met Agonist)
- PG-002TGFβ1 Inhibitor (TGFβ1 Binding Peptide)
- PG-003BDNF Alternative Peptide (TrkB Agonist)
- PG-004Noggin-like peptide (BMP4,7 Inhibitor)
- PG-005BMP7 Selective Inhibitor
- PG-006BMP4 Selective Inhibitor
- PG-007VEGF Alternative Peptide (VEGFR2 agonist)
- PG-008Wnt3a Alternative Peptide (β-catenin pathway agonist)
- PG-009Synthetic EGF
- PG-010TPO Alternative Peptide (TPOR agonist)
- PG-011FGF2 Alternative Peptide (FGFR1c agonist)